Update your FCC Map Location!

Want better internet?
do your part!

GO TO broadbandmap.fcc.gov


 Read on for why this is so important!

Does your Swain County home or business still need affordable, high speed broadband internet? Tell the FCC you need internet so that Swain County gets funding for your location. 

  • This is Second Round of challenges, and we NEED Swain County Residents to update their locations. So many of them are still wrong! (Round One of Challenges happened from November 18, 2022 to January 13, 2023, and the FCC didn’t hear from all of us because so many locations are STILL WRONG.)

  • If you do not challenge incorrect data, your location could be considered already served on the current FCC Map.

  • The FCC Map determines the amount of funding that will be allocated to each county to support new or better internet deployment, as part of the $42.5 billion federal BEAD program. (BEAD means Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment.)

  • If you wait to do your update, it puts your home or business location at the back of the internet line, after 2024! Nobody wants that! 

  • Only locations with currently UNSERVED (less than 25/3) or UNDERSERVED (less than 100/20) broadband coverage, will be eligible for Federal Funding through the BEAD Program deployment for  in Swain County.
  • The FCC still needs to update its latest internet coverage maps, called the “FCC Fabric Map”, at the household level.
  • All ISPs (internet service providers) were invited to send in their data on every single location where they say their service is available, as of June 30, 2022 or later.
  • It does not matter whether or not the location has purchased service from them, only that they “say” they have service available. Not all ISPs replied.
  • The FCC took all that data and created the “FABRIC MAP” of every location in the USA by 911 address, AND layered on that map the ISPs’ data of what internet services and speeds are available. 
  • Now it’s YOUR turn to update the map.
  • Note: This applies to all Western North Carolina counties challenged by poor internet – citizens on other counties besides Swain ALSO must rally and update their FCC map locations.

Western North Carolina counties can’t get our full share of funding without the input of our citizens! Find and update your location today.

FCC Map Postcard to Swain County Residents

FCC Map Postcard to Swain County Residents

Did you get this postcard?

STEP 1: how to verify or correct (challenge) your location

STEP 2: how to verify or correct (challenge) your internet availability

Apply for the ACP - Affordable Connectivity Program

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